
Custom work onboarding form

Basic information

Contact Information
Your contact information and the URL of your existing website in case you have one.


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Phone Number

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Website URL
The URL of your existing website (in case you have one).

Website URL

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What do you do?
Describe in a few lines what your business does.

Short business description

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Logo design

Do you need a logo design / re-design for your company?

Design suggestions
Any suggestion or guidelines you have is useful. You can paste some URL of websites that catched your eye. They can be from your direct competition, or sites that are not related to your industry but that you love. Please tell us what you like and what you don't like about each design and features of each site.

Design suggestions

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List some important phrases that you would like your audience to find you with in a Google search.


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Target audience
Who is your ideal client? Describe what type of potential customers you intend to attract to your website.

Target audience

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New clients
How do people usually find out about your company / product / service ?

New clients

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Why is your website important?
Why Do you think your audience needs to see your website?

What do you do best

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List of competitors
List some companies that are your direct competition, as well as their web addresses, if they have them.


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Competitors Pros
Describe what characteristics you like about your competition.

Competitors pros

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Competitors Cons
Describe what characteristics you do NOT like about your competition.

Competitors cons

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What's your strong suit?
What does your product / service / company have that your competition doesn't?

Competitors pros

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Who inspires you?
Is there a company of the same line that you admire or that you aspire to follow in their footsteps? It may be a foreign company that is not your direct competition, but that you like how it works. Tell us who it is, and what you like and what you don't like.

Competitors cons

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Pages & Features

Popular requests
Select all the pages or sections you think your website will need.

Select the features you want to integrate in your website.

Other pages
If you need other pages or features that are specific for your business,please describe what you want to acheive.

Other pages

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Digital Presence

Are you already using social network to promote your business?

A part of social media, have you taken any other marketing initiatives to promote your business? (Email marketing, Google or Facebook ADS, …)

Do you already have a database of clients and/or prospects?

Almost done!

Delivery date
When do you need your website to be ready for the public?

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