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How to use our project files

Step 1 Rapidweaver

Rapidweaver is an excellent web design app for mac developed by Realmac Software. RW is a tool that can be used by professional agencies and hobbyists who want to build both personal and business websites.

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Step 2 Stacks

Stacks 4 by Your head software is a plugin for Rapidweaver that allows users to harness thousands of add ons to help make your websites amazing. You will need this plugin to use Foundation Box project files. Get Stacks 4 plugin here.

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Step 3 Foundation 6 + TCMS

Foundation 6 is the most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world. Head to and get the Foundation 6 Stacks for Rapidweaver. Weavers Space, founded by Joe Workman, comes with a great community that supports every member. Join the Weavers Space Community here, where you will get all our support.

Total CMS is the most flexible and advanced CMS for Rapidweaver. This set of Stacks is used in the Pro version of our Project Files. If you are not familiar with it, we put together an introduction guide o help you out.

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Enjoy Foundation Box

We use the most powerful products available to the RW community to create beautiful and efficient websites. Use each of our projects on as many sites as you want.

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